Monday, March 3, 2014

Pebble Beach Notebook: Davis Love III already preparing for big Ryder Cup year

davis love III
Getty Images
Among his many duties in the coming months, Davis Love III is pondering his choices for assistant captains.
Doug Ferguson
Associated Press

Series: PGA Tour
PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. -- There is plenty of evidence that this is a Ryder Cup year.
The U.S. players are starting to earn points from regular PGA Tour events, with Kyle Stanley atop the standings based on his runner-up finish and win in consecutive weeks. Davis Love III walks onto the range and players call him “captain.”
Love, however, said the race to make the team really doesn’t start until late May. That’s when two dozen or so players begin getting fitted for uniforms.
"When I always played, you went to the Memorial, got measured for clothes, and you started choking on points,” Love said Wednesday. “So that’s probably the time that it’s serious, when you get measured for your clothes and the points start settling out.”
Love still hasn’t announced his assistant captains, saying he will work with European Captain Jose Maria Olazabal to find a good time when they can do that together. He thinks four assistants is a good number.
Love said he would consider past captains, and especially longtime friend Fred Couples, even though Couples could be a distraction because the players like him so much. Couples is 2-0 as Presidents Cup captain.
“I’m looking to get the guys to play more relaxed and have fun,” he said. “Obviously, we want to win, and it seems like Fred has put together a formula where they came out firing and relaxed and made some great pairings. So he and I have already talked a lot, and he would be high on my list.

“I’m going to rely on my friends that have played a lot of Ryder Cups, and Fred is definitely one of them.”

Love said, however, that Couples is a candidate to be Presidents Cup captain for the third time.

HARRINGTON HOPE: Padraig Harrington has played on every Ryder Cup team for Europe since 1999, and he barely made it on the last team as a captain’s pick. This year might be particularly difficult for the three-time major champion.

Europe is so strong at the top that many feel it will be the toughest team to make in history. That’s especially true for Harrington, who is coming off such a poor season that he has fallen to No. 93 in the world. While is two majors in 2008 keep him eligible for the four majors, he is not in the two World Golf Championships over the next month.

Those are the short fields that, in short, offer free points.

“There’s no doubt I’m behind the eight-ball at this stage,” Harrington said. “I haven’t got very many points. It’s not going to be a year that I can play well and get into it. I’m going to have to play great to get into the team. I’m not going to be able to pick up easy points and qualify that way. I’m going to have to actually really play well to force my way in.”

FAXON’S LAMENT: Brad Faxon never missed the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am when healthy, playing 26 times until he moved over to the 50-and-over Champions Tour. He is in Boca Raton, Fla., this week and missing Pebble in a big way.

Faxon said he thought about asking for a sponsor’s exemption, but he had done that the last three years. His hope is to prove himself on the Champions Tour by winning -- he already has one title -- so that he’s not a “pitiful” exemption.

How fond is he of the tournament?

“When I’m with friends, I tell more great stories about Pebble Beach than any other place,” he said.

On cue, he delivered one of his favorites.

Faxon was playing at Cypress Point in 1985 in nasty conditions, with wind so strong that play eventually was halted. It was so bad that Ed Doughtery took 11 putts on the 17th green and made a 14.

Faxon hit driver on the par-3 16th into the wind onto the green and nearly made the putt for birdie. Then came the 17th, which played about 360 yards, but into the wind Faxon knew he couldn’t reach in two. He hit a good drive and had 198 yards left.

Then, play was suspended until the next day.

“I got back out there and the wind was blowing 30 mph, but from the opposite direction,” he said. “I hit 6-iron to the green and made par. Then on the 18th, David Frost had hit 5-iron and wedge (with the wind) the day before. I hit driver and 5-iron and made birdie to make the cut on the number.

“And the next day,” he said, “I was paired with Jack Nicklaus for the first time.”

MR. ANTI-GADGET: Spencer Levin might be considered old school when it comes to technology.

He has an email account, but he hasn’t checked it in about eight years. And he doesn’t’ have a cell phone. He dropped his phone in the water during the offseason and hasn’t replaced it.

Levin is not exactly losing sleep over this.

“I just haven’t bothered to get a new one,” he said. “I have no desire to. My girlfriend has got all my buddies’ numbers, so I can talk to my friends through her phone. That’s how I do it.”

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Torrey Smith Holds School Supply Drive After Fire Destroys Hometown School

Posted Jan 22, 2014

Garrett Staff Writer@Ravens All Garrett Downing Articles

The supply drive will take place Thursday from 6-8 p.m. in Fredericksburg, Va.

After a fire destroyed a school building in his hometown earlier this month, Ravens wide receiver Torrey Smithwanted to do what he could to help.

With the aid of his foundation, Smith organized a school supply drive at the Walmart in Fredericksburg, Va.

Smith will be at the event Thursday, from 6-8 p.m., at 125 Washington Square Plaza.

The building that was destroyed on Jan. 5 was the old high school in Colonial Beach, and it was most recently used to store supplies for the elementary school next door. Colonial Beach Elementary, which Smith attended, was not destroyed but many of the supplies for the school were lost in the fire.

The current students and teachers at Colonial Beach Elementary also had to relocate classes to Oak Grove Baptist Church after the fire.

“280 kids and teaches need our help!” Smith wrote on Instagram. “We are already off to a great start with the help of my foundation.”

As part of Thursday’s event, Walmart has bundled packages ranging from $5-20 that customers can purchase and donate to the school.

Smith has been active on social media encouraging people to support the supply drive.

“They need our help!” he wrote. “Come out and help support our community.”

Tuesday, December 24, 2013



順位 選手名 スコア1 アン・ソンジュ -17
2 キム・ナリ -10
3 有村 智恵 -9
4 申 ジエ -8
ヤング・キム -8
6 馬場 ゆかり -7
7 佐伯 三貴 -6
ソン・ボベ -6
N・キャンベル -6
10 服部 真夕 -5



富士通レディース 2日目>◇16日◇東急セブンハンドレッドクラブ(6,631ヤード・パー72)




Friday, November 29, 2013



順位 選手名 スコア優勝 谷口 徹 -15
2 片山 晋呉 -10
小田 孔明 -10
松村 道央 -10
河井 博大 -10
6 B・スネデカー -9
キム・ヒョンテ -9
8 キム・ヒョンソン -8
チョ・ ミンギュ -8
10 小田 龍一 -7


ブリヂストンオープン 最終日◇23日◇袖ヶ浦カンツリークラブ 袖ヶ浦コース(7,119ヤード・パー71)>

 千葉県の袖ヶ浦カンツリークラブ 袖ヶ浦コースで開催されている、国内男子ツアー「ブリヂストンオープン」の最終日。19位タイでスタートした石川遼は、2番でボギーが先行するが7番でバーディを取り返すと、9番でもバーディを奪い2バーディ・1ボギーで前半を終了。トータル4アンダーで後半のプレーに入った。




順位 選手名 スコア優勝 谷口 徹 -15
2 片山 晋呉 -10
小田 孔明 -10
松村 道央 -10
河井 博大 -10
6 B・スネデカー -9
キム・ヒョンテ -9
8 キム・ヒョンソン -8
チョ・ ミンギュ -8
10 小田 龍一 -7


ブリヂストンオープン 最終日◇23日◇袖ヶ浦カンツリークラブ 袖ヶ浦コース(7,119ヤード・パー71)>

 千葉県の袖ヶ浦カンツリークラブ 袖ヶ浦コースで開催されている、国内男子ツアー「ブリヂストンオープン」の最終日。19位タイでスタートした石川遼は、前半でスコアを1つ伸ばすと後半に入っても10番、11番でバーディ奪取に成功。トータル6アンダーまでスコアを伸ばすが、12番でボギーを叩くと14番でもボギー。15番ではセカンドのミスからダブルボギーを叩きズルズル後退してしまう。





順位 選手名 スコア優勝 谷口 徹 -15
2 片山 晋呉 -10
小田 孔明 -10
松村 道央 -10
河井 博大 -10
6 B・スネデカー -9
キム・ヒョンテ -9
8 キム・ヒョンソン -8
チョ・ ミンギュ -8
10 小田 龍一 -7


ブリヂストンオープン 最終日◇23日◇袖ヶ浦カンツリークラブ 袖ヶ浦コース(7,119ヤード・パー71)>

 千葉県の袖ヶ浦カンツリークラブ 袖ヶ浦コースで開催された、国内男子ツアー「ブリヂストンオープン」の最終日。首位タイでスタートした谷口徹が、スコアを6つ伸ばしトータル15アンダーで今季初優勝を挙げた。






順位 選手名 スコア優勝 谷口 徹 -15
2 片山 晋呉 -10
小田 孔明 -10
松村 道央 -10
河井 博大 -10
6 B・スネデカー -9
キム・ヒョンテ -9
8 キム・ヒョンソン -8
チョ・ ミンギュ -8
10 小田 龍一 -7



ブリヂストンオープン 最終日◇23日◇袖ヶ浦カンツリークラブ 袖ヶ浦コース(7,119ヤード・パー71)>

 千葉県の袖ヶ浦カンツリークラブ 袖ヶ浦コースを舞台に開催された、国内男子ツアー「ブリヂストンオープン」の最終日。トータル3アンダー19位タイからスタートした石川遼は、この日スコアを1つ伸ばすも23位タイまで順位を落とし4日間の競技を終えた。





